Gender Affirmation, One Piece Of Clothing At A Time
Valid USA is a trans-led nonprofit that empowers transgender and gender diverse youth through clothing and community support. We talked to founder, and TRANSFORM grantee, Alex Switzer, about his vision and inspiration for the work.
Why is affirming clothing so important for trans youth?
Affirming clothing is vital for youth. When people hear this, they usually think of t-shirts, pants, dresses. And that’s part of it, but it goes deeper than that. The affirming garments our youth are using that we don’t see, like binders and underwear, could be actively damaging their body and hurting their mental health.
Proper binders and shaping or tucking underwear can be expensive and hard to access due to lack of support. so youth turn to low-quality alternatives, DIY methods, tape, or nothing at all. This can lead to all kinds of health issues, including skin infections, shortness of breath, and severe pain. So affirming clothing is about both physical and mental well-being.
How does VALID do this?
We partner with different orgs to establish Affirming Wardrobes, where youth can go for free chest binders, packers, feminine shaping underwear, and bras. And while they’re there, they can also access resources and support from the partnering org. We also offer trainings for professionals, schools, businesses, and aspiring allies about transgender and LGBTQIA+ inclusivity.
I imagine most folks don’t even think about these things.
No, and that’s part of the privilege of cis-ness. But I love being able to give youth their binders and underwear in person (we also mail to AZ youth), or take them shopping, because I always see them walk in the door looking anxious and intimidated, but after they get their stuff – I’m looking at a whole new person. They smile from ear to ear, and there’s this look in their eyes that suggests they’ve found more hope than they had when they first walked in. Every young person should have that.
One youth literally walked back into my office after getting their binders on, looked in the mirror, and said, “It’s flat. I never thought I’d be this flat.” They sat down, looked at me, started crying and said, “I didn’t think people like me could become adults like you.”
Young people deserve to not only pridefully take up space in this world, but feel good about themselves as they do it.
Wow. Your work has such direct impact on folks. What would you say to someone who is just starting out on their social impact journey?
Don’t give up. Set small goals, and remember to celebrate yourself when you reach it. Build a village of people who share your same passions, goals and values. And when things get hard, turn to your village.
How has TRANSFORM supported your work?
Transform not only provided the grant that bought affirming undergarments for local youth facing houselessness, but they have given me an incredibly supportive mentorship. The mentorship is giving me the opportunity to expand on my program and start heading in the direction I’ve been aiming for. My mentor is amazing, and I really appreciate how the entire TRANSFORM Board is always happy and ready to also hop in and support my mentorship and professional growth. Part of my village for sure.
To learn more about Alex and Valid USA, check out their website and IG. To help TRANSFORM make more grants available to folks like Alex, donate here.
My son is transgender 17 years old we have some binders that are too small now can we donate them an how ?
Hi Brandy! Lightly used binders with no tips, tears, stains (including deodorant and sweat marks) can be donated and mailed to
Alexander Switzer
PO Box 14061
Tucson, AZ, 85732
If the binder has stains, try rubbing dawn dish soap over the stains, let set for 10-15 minutes, toss in the washer on delicate and hang to dry. If the stains came out, send it on over!